Our weekend in Donegal begun by renting two cars with Italians and loading them with our bags in Derry. We left early in the morning from the buss station and we were all really exited. One of our Italian friends had planned the trip for us and that was a great relief, because he really knew what he was doing.
First stop was at Glenveagh
National Park which is the second most largest National Park in Ireland.
We wondered around in the beautiful nature even though it was quite windy and even rainy every now and then. We enjoyed the nature even though it was kinda similar to the one we're used to back home in Finland.
The park had small gardens with foreign plants. One area had statues and foliage from Italy and one from Bali for example.
Emma got really exited of the epic scenery that reminded her of Lord of the Rings. Running around the fields got her quite tired by the end of the trip.
We even visited an old caste with long history and had a tour inside the castle. Tour was maybe a bit too long to keep us all interested but we saw some cool art inside the castle and old furniture from different times and different places.
We took a scenery route so it was quite understandable that we stopped every now and then to take pictures of beautiful Donegal. Also the driver changed once in a while, when the boys wanted to try driving on the "wrong side".
One stop that we did on our first day before heading to hostel was a famous pub owned by Irish singer Enyahs parents. Sadly she wasn't there, but we were told that she lives in the same street as the pub was.
The next day we visited a beautiful beach not so far away from our hostel. Also Emma had her fist sight of Atlantic Ocean.
Everyone got so exited and started running around the beach and testing the water which was quite cold. We also went exploring and found some dead jellyfishes in the beach. Aldo the beach was full of sheep who were climbing up the cliffs. (Ninja sheep)
Last destination were the Slieve Legues cliffs. The scenery was absolutely breath taking. In the picture you can see two small rocks in the ocean. They're called the table and the chair.

Climbing up the mountain we happen to see a red deer running right next to us and we felt that now we are really in the nature. Also the wind got stronger and stronger the higher we got and at one point we felt like you could actually lean against the wind.
All in all the trip was amazing and totally worth it. We got to experience true Irleand in a way which wouldn't have been possible in a school trip. Thank you for our Italian friends for great journey company and great memories. Good craic!